Narrative power in Mexico and Guatemala

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Democratic renewal & New citizenship

Care for radical collaboration

In Mexico and Guatemala, we are collaborating with organizations in the human rights sector to identify strategic communication needs, supporting the construction of narrative power and fostering movement-building processes for deeper collaboration. 


Through participatory consultations, we aim to identify the narrative support needs and gaps from the sector, while also nurturing the development of collective strategic visions, uncovering opportunities, and forging potential alliances to foster movement-building opportunities within the cohorts and their allies. 


  • Socio-Political Dynamics: Both countries face significant challenges related to inequality, violence, and corruption, influencing social activism.
  • A fragmented Ecosystem: While there exists a capable ecosystem of activists and organizations, a lack of strategic vision and collaborative spaces hampers their pote

Our approach

  • We envision the narrative field as a transformative arena where the ecosystem of change can re imagine reality and our lives, both individually and collectively. By fostering a space of experimentation and action, we aim to redefine the world, connecting with innovative projects that reinvent coexistence and share compelling, real stories that engage citizens. 
  • Our approach centers on putting at the service of the people our knowledge and tools so they can use them to develop their ideas, ensuring that voices are heard and visions realized without us speaking for them, but rather amplifying their authentic expressions. Care is the cornerstone of our philosophy, influencing every aspect of our work, from team dynamics to project execution, emphasizing a deep commitment to all stakeholders and the planet. We champion radical collaboration and open knowledge, creating collaborative networks essential for impactful change. 

Outcomes and learnings

Ongoing process


Supported by the Fund for Global Human Rights

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Democratic renewal & New citizenship

Care for radical collaboration